Wednesday, May 11, 2011

catch of the day

I can’t remember the first time I put a line in the water with a hook to catch a fish. Some of the earliest memories were trout fishing in northern Maine with my dad. We used warms then and I really didn’t have any luck until dad showed me where to drift the worm under the downed trees along the bank. The thing about fishing for me is it is truly an activity that is all encompassing for me. The solitude and escapism from pressures of the world around and worries of day-to-day subsistence’s.

Dropping a fishing hook in the ocean in Florida is a whole different experience then a rainy day along a small spruce lined river in northern Maine. The verity of fish that by chance you might catch the biggest difference. I am not spending a whole lot of time fishing while here (still lots to do on the boat) but try to put hook to water when I can. I was never so surprised then this morning when I checked the line after letting it soak the night and find a small hammerhead shark. Never caught one of those before! I was hopping for a Red Fish good eating and they are in the waters here now. On our Sunday skiff ride we sew a group of men, all with poles in hand, fish on. Nice fish 15 to 20 pounds. They gave us some live bait when they left,,,, the school of red fish had past.
The small hammer head came to me at 0600.....Kate waking I said, “you’ll never guess what I just caught?” ,,we mind melded sort of and after a cat fish, Jack fish she said, “Baby Hammerhead”.....Amazing.

Still hope to catch a Red Fish for dinner, but if I don’t, I look forward to floating a worm under a downed tree in a clear water spruced lined stream in Maine. 
With some luck ‘Myor’ will take us there soon.

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