Monday, May 9, 2011

What's in a name?

So much thought & energy goes into a name.  A name that will remain throughout a life time. A name that will hopefully reflect spirit and intention. 'Children's names, their meanings and origin', as parents or out of pure curiosity we catch ourselves browsing these books at the grocery store checkout, wondering if given names fit personality or temperament. When Mark initiated the building of such a powerful sailing vessel by hand, it was very important for him to embrace the entire process in positive light. A familiar phrase of Mark, 'One Makes their Own Reality', was really put into action.  It was so very important he create his own environment to both live and construct his dream. As quirky as it sounds it was a type of Pleasant-ville, almost a slice out of Disney's Swiss Family Robinson.
With an outside kitchen, bathhouse and a 40'x70' synthetic quonset shop only feet away, Mark embarked on an adventure without hitting the sea.  Often questions would arise as to the the name of such a vessel.  Marks' brother Ron, a guy who appreciates the finery of words, joined him for dinner & drinks an evening, creative forces joined and thus 'MYOR' was born!  Her hulls stand on the water (freeboard) 5' tall and are 58' feel long (quite a noticable comparrison when docked along a 'normal' catamaran) The simple task of selecting a font or design of a name proportionally appropriate to the her overall scale & character is crutial. Strong, elegant and graceful she is indeed!  Call it what you wish, wether we create our own destiny or make our own reality, to create, live and share the adventure of life with gratitude and grace, seems effortless on 'MYOR'.

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