Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sleeping with tools.....erotic? hardly!

Living and working on a boat at the same time is not unlike doing the same when living in a house you build. I have had many days and nights living on all forms of boats, barges, oil rigs all types of floating places. Most times I was on the job trying to make a living either on my own or with a group of men. A major difference is that ‘Myor’, is a work in progress, with a purpose, to make a living for herself by sharing her gifts with all who have an opportunity to experience her.  As a sail boat she has to be readied to sail and now it’s all about deck gear to handle the sails.  Always having a decent shop to work in most of my life, I am currently setting up a small area in ‘Myor’ for my shop as I crave my tools, fasteners, parts and stuff in their proper place. Kate often observes me going nuts when I can't easily put my hand on a tool!
Using the dock side this week I needed to make some backing plates for deck hardware to be installed. Despite all my experience working on the water I am forever experiencing new lessons. In the last month I have lost into the water a “come along”, a fid to splice lines, and a $40.00 Harken hi load pad eye. Also lost a prop off the starboard sail drive but that is another story.
I have my diving gear set up and a dive tender “Kate” I will use it to try and find things I have lost. 
Anticipating the arrival of deck hardware we moved the boat yet one more time. This time at one of the oldest boat yards in St Augustine. There is a shop here and a vise to hold aluminum so that I can cut and drill it with out using my feet to hold it.
Living on the boat with all my tools and clothes since mid December 2010 I am only now begin to get somewhat organized. Kate has begun to organize the wood pile and make what was a bachelor’s pad transform into a happy comfortable environment suitable for dinner cruises and day charters.
It finely feels like ‘Myor’ is become a home, a home with a depth of spirit that is hard to explain and most be experienced. A marine world around, living on the water, the fish, birds and mammals, ‘Myor’ at ease immersed feeling safe and sound.
Each person who will visit will take something away from the experience that is as unique as the boat.
For now it feels like a floating shop and knowing where my tools are is so very crucial as essential tasks can be accomplished on beautiful ‘Myor’, that’s unless the fish are biting!

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